Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) <p>The<strong> Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR)</strong>&nbsp;is a health and recreational physical education journal published by the Health and Recreation Study Program of the Health Sports College twice a year in<strong> Mei</strong>&nbsp;and <strong>November</strong>. The manuscript submission process is open throughout the year. All manuscripts submitted are subject to multiple peer review and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication. Journal of<strong> physical education for health and recreation</strong>.</p> Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi en-US Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2747-013X Analysis Of Motion Biomechanics In 0'brien Shot Put <p>Atletik&nbsp; merupakan cabang&nbsp; olahraga&nbsp; yang&nbsp; terdiri&nbsp; dari&nbsp; beberapa&nbsp; nomor&nbsp; perlombaan.&nbsp; Diantara Nomor nomor&nbsp;&nbsp; perlombaan&nbsp;&nbsp; tersebut&nbsp;&nbsp; ada&nbsp;&nbsp; nomor&nbsp;&nbsp; jalan,&nbsp;&nbsp; lari,&nbsp;&nbsp; lompat&nbsp;&nbsp; dan&nbsp;&nbsp; lempar.&nbsp;&nbsp; Nomor nomor perlombaan&nbsp; tersebut&nbsp; sering&nbsp; diperlombakan&nbsp; dalam&nbsp; berbagai&nbsp; iven,&nbsp; tak&nbsp; terkecuali&nbsp; atletik&nbsp; nomor&nbsp; lempar. Nomor nomor&nbsp; lempar&nbsp; dalam&nbsp; cabang&nbsp; atletik&nbsp; terdiri&nbsp; dari&nbsp; tolak&nbsp; peluru,&nbsp; lempar&nbsp; cakram,&nbsp; lempar&nbsp; lembing dan&nbsp; lontar&nbsp; martil.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Di&nbsp; dalam&nbsp; pelaksanaannya&nbsp; tolak&nbsp; peluru&nbsp; sama&nbsp; seperti&nbsp; lempar&nbsp; cakram&nbsp; yaitu&nbsp; pada waktu&nbsp; akan&nbsp; melempar,&nbsp; ada&nbsp; yang&nbsp; sikap&nbsp; menyamping&nbsp; arah&nbsp; (sektor)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dan&nbsp; ada&nbsp; juga&nbsp; yang&nbsp; membelakangi arah lemparan atau tolakan. Perkembangan yang terbaru dalam teknik tolak peluru adalah teknik atau gaya berputar. Tolak peluru terdiri dari 3 gaya dalam melakukan tolakan yaitu gaya Ortodoks (menyamping), gaya O’brien (membelakangi) dan gaya Spin (memutar). Tujuan penelitian ini&nbsp; adalah untuk menganalisis gerak biomekanika salah satu teknik atau gaya dalam tolak peluru yaitu gaya O’brien. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif, pada penelitian ini peneliti mengkaji ulang gaya O’brien dengan konsep teori biomekanika. Untuk hal ini peneliti tidak memberikan program latihan sebelumnya namun hanya sekedar memberikan petunjuk dan instruksi langsung kepada sampel. Analisis pada tolak peluru gaya O’brien dari segi biomekanika terdiri dari 4 tahap: (1) Tahap persiapan, (2) Tahap meluncur, (3) Tahap pelepasan, (4) Tahap pemulihan. Analisis penilaian biomekanika dilakukan langsung oleh peneliti dengan berdasarkan rubrik penilaian yang terdiri dari uraian gerak dari masing-masing tahap.</p> arfandi akkase Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-28 2023-05-28 3 2 61 67 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.978 The Developing "The Most Significant Change Technique (MSC) Model" in Physical Education Learning in High Schools <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model evaluasi teknik <em>The Most Significant Change Technique</em> paling progresif dalam pembelajaran PJOK di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah <em>Researeh &amp; Development</em> dengan tahapan yaitu analisis kebutuhan, penyusunan konsep awal produk, validasi oleh ahli, uji coba skala kecil, uji coba skala besar dan hasil akhir. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 guru dan 90 Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa guru pendidikan jasmani perlu mengembangkan metode penilaian untuk menilai partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran yang bersifat kualitatif. Pendekatan penilaian partisipatif ini kemudian di uji cobakan dalam uji coba skala kecil dengan 30 siswa di SMA Cendana Pekanbaru dan uji lapangan dengan 60 siswa. Untuk menyempurnakan evaluasi metode evaluasi partisipatif, semua bentuk kendala yang dikenakan oleh evaluasi ditinjau serta kontribusi para praktisi. Evaluasi dengan metode evaluasi partisipatif dengan demikian telah dinyatakan cocok untuk evaluasi partisipasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan di Sekolah Menengah Atas.</p> Kristi Agust Fekie Adila Imam Rahmatullah Ittaqwa Faujiah Br Barus Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-28 2023-05-28 3 2 68 74 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.847 Measurment Of Youth Physical Fitness In Pontianak City Using TKPN Instruments <p>The current rate of development and shift in human activity today demands to be in high sedentary activity. Departing from the high inactivity in children, the authors need to measure the physical fitness level. This study used the latest fitness instrument, TKPN. So that a portrait of physical fitness for students at the secondary school level also needs to be implemented. This research is a descriptive study using a cross sectional survey method, data collection techniques using tests and measurements, then for data collection tools using the Equator Physical Fitness Test instrument. The sample used in this study were students at the senior high school level in Pontianak, with a total of 35 samples. The results showed a trend that was not very good, as many as 34% of students were in the very poor category, followed by 17% in the less category, 26% were in the sufficient category, 23% were in the good category, and no one student fall into the very good category. The conclusion of this study is that the description of the physical fitness of students in the city of Pontianak at the high school level still shows an unfavorable trend. Intervention of physical activity through physical education subjects and motivational encouragement from parents is highly recommended.</p> Fitriana Puspa Hidasari Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-28 2023-05-28 3 2 76 83 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.987 Efforts to Improve Students’ Relay Race Learning Outcomes Through Play Approach <p>This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes for relay race running through a playing approach in fifth grade students at SD Negeri 053965 Sidorejo for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. This study used the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. In this case the researcher analyzed the data by reducing the data and presenting the data in tabular form, so that the average score and percentage of learning completeness could be found. The results of the research in the first cycle showed that the learning outcomes of relay running were (60%) students who completed their studies, and (40%) students who did not complete their studies. Student learning outcomes in performing relay running techniques in cycle I as a whole reached (75.76%). In cycle II it shows that the learning outcomes of relay running were (84%) students who complete their studies, and (16%) students who did not complete their studies and overall student learning outcomes in carrying out relay running techniques in cycle II reach (85.08%) ). Thus it can be concluded that through the play approach can improve the learning outcomes of relay running in class V students of SD Negeri 053965 Sidorejo Academic Year 2023/2024.</p> Desman laia Dedisman zai Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 84 89 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1085 Efforts to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Passing the Inner Leg in Football Through the Triangular Goal Game for Class IX MTSs TPI Medan <p>The ability to pass the inner leg in football games for class IX MTSs TPI Medan students is still low. This study aims to determine the learning outcomes of passing the inner leg in a soccer game through a triangular goal game. The method used was classroom action research. The subjects of this study were students of class IX MTSs TPI Medan with a total of 23 students. Data collection used &nbsp;observation sheets and documentation. Analysis of the data used a description of the percentage. The results showed that in cycle I the average passing skill of the inner leg was 70, students who scored above 75 (KKM) were 13 students or 56%. Whereas in cycle II the average inner leg passing skill was 78, students who scored above 75 were 19 students or 83%. So that it has met the target, which is 75%. The results showed an increase in several indicators of achievement in each aspect, namely an increase in student activity, seriousness and courage in participating in learning, a pleasant learning atmosphere for students can also motivate students to take lessons.</p> Muhammad Fisalman Muhammad Anggi Fauzi Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 90 98 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1083 Efforts To Improve Learning Outcomes of Forearm Pass Volleyball by Plastic Ball Media <p>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of forearm &nbsp;passing using plastic balls in class VIII students of MTS PAB 4 Patumbak for the 2022/2023 Academic Year. The sample used was 25 students. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction and data exposure. The results of the study concluded: (l) from the first cycle learning outcomes test, it was obtained that 15 students had reached the level of mastery learning while 10 students (40) had not yet reached the level of mastery learning. (2) from the cycle II learning outcomes test, data were obtained as many as 20 students with a conversion value of (80) who had achieved mastery in learning and 5 students (10) were still incomplete. The increase in the average value of student learning outcomes from the previous test was 10.82 and the increase in classical completeness was 20%. Based on the results of data analysis it can be said that using modified plastic ball media can improve learning outcomes of forearm passing in volleyball games for class VIII MTS PAB 4 Patumbak Academic Year 2022/2023.</p> Ernimawati Buulolo Iin farlina Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 99 104 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1080 Improve Underhand Service Achievement In Volleyball Games With Rubber Ball Media <p>The objective of this study is to improve learning outcomes in learning the underhand service in volleyball games through the media of modifying rubber balls in fifth grade students at Sidodadi Ramunia National Private Elementary School. This research was a Classroom Action Research (CAR). This study usesda learning design with the Kurt Lewin model. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, where each cycle consisted of: 1) planning; 2) implementation; 3) Observation; 4) reflection. Then a performance test was carried out in each cycle, observing the learning process during research activities and making a questionnaire in the form of an interest and learning motivation questionnaire, to find out the extent of student satisfaction and interest in participating in learning using the modified ball method using a rubber ball. The results showed that learning the basic technique of serving under in volleyball games through media modification using rubber balls in class V SD Sidodadi Ramunia National Private Elementary School had increased. In the first cycle, the students' learning completeness reached the KKM, namely 22 people or as much as 73.33%, while in the second cycle, the students' learning completeness reached 27 people, which was as much as 90%. Thus it can be concluded that using the media modification method can improve the learning achievement of the underhand service in volleyball games.</p> Aulia Ramadanisti Ricky Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 105 110 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1081 Improving Learning Outcomes of Upper Passing in Volleyball Games with Standard and Non-Standard Balls <p>This research is based on the low passing skills of volleyball students at SMA Negeri 1 Medan. This study aims to improve passing skills in volleyball by using standard and non standard balls. This research was classroom action research carried out collaboratively and participatively. The research design used Kurt Lewin Model in 2 cycles consisting of planning, implementation &amp; observation, and reflection. The research sample included 36 students in class XI IPS 4 at SMA Negeri 1 Medan. Data collection technique was through action tests. Data analysis technique was carried out in a qualitative and quantitative descriptive manner. The results showed that Students’&nbsp; Passing Skills for volleyball using standard and non-standard balls experienced an increase, namely from the results of the first cycle test it was obtained that 13 students (36.11%) had completed their studies, and 23 students or 63.9% had not yet completed their studies. Then the results of the second cycle test showed that 34 students (94.6%) had completed their studies and 2 students or 5.45% had not completed their studies. Thus it can be concluded that using standard and non-standard balls can improve the learning process and the volleyball skills of SMA Negeri 1 Medan students.</p> Pikiran Hati Buulolo Cris Seven Gea Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 111 120 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1082 Efforts to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Passing the Inner Leg in Football Through the Triangular Goal Game for Class IX MTSs TPI Medan <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in physical fitness learning outcomes through the play approach in class VII students of MTs Negeri 1 Medan. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR), with three cycles. The instrument used is the short distance running test. The subjects in this study were 18 students of class VII MTs Negeri 1 Medan. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics with percentages. Based on the results of the research on physical fitness test results obtained through the play approach in class VII students of MTs Negeri 1 Medan, the average achievement in cycle 1 was 64.58, the average in cycle 2 was 71.87, and the average in cycle 3 obtained 80.2 The results can be concluded that there is an increase in physical fitness learning outcomes through the play approach in class VII students of MTs Negeri 1 Medan.</p> Dimas Fauzie Sahil Mhd Rizky Fadillah Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 121 127 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1084 Improving Learning Outcomes of Passing Over Volleyball Using Peer Tutor Model <p>This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of upper passing using the peer tutor model in MTS PAB 4 Patumbak Academic Year 2021/2022. The sample used was 27 students. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction and data exposure. The results of the study concluded: (l) from the first cycle learning outcomes test, it was obtained that 19 students had reached the level of mastery learning while 8 students (40) had not yet reached the level of mastery learning. (2) from the cycle II learning outcomes test, data were obtained as many as 20 students with a conversion value of (80) who had achieved mastery in learning and 5 students (10) were still incomplete. The increase in the average value of student learning outcomes from the previous test was 10.82 and the increase in classical completeness was 20%. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be said that using the peer tutor model can improve learning outcomes of upper passing in volleyball games.</p> Ade Sri Wahyuni Muhammad Juang Ananta Alwi Fahruzy Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 128 134 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1086 Effect Of Training Using Resistance Band On Shooting Results In Extracurricular Futsal At SMP LKIA Pontianak <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of training using resistance band media on the results of shooting futsal for extracurricular students at SMP LKIA Pontianak. The research method used in this research is experimental and the research design used is One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design. The data collection technique that the researchers used was observation and the samples used were 17 futsal extracurricular students at SMP LKIA Pontianak. The data analysis technique uses the prerequisite test, namely the Normality test and the Influence test. The results of the shooting ability test before giving the initial treatment test (pre-test) totaled 145 or an average value of 8.53 while the score after being given the final treatment test (post-test) amounted to 191 or an average value of 11.23 with a percentage an increase (39.97%) means that there is a significant effect between shooting results through training using resistance band media on shooting results at SMP LKIA Pontianak. So the conclusion in this study is that there is a significant effect of the use of resistance band media on the results of shooting futsal for extracurricular students at SMP LKIA Pontianak.</em></p> Thawarikha Fitriana Puspa Hidasari Andika Triansyah Victor G Simanjuntak Mimi Heatami Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 135 145 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1015 The Effect Of Variation Of Kick Practices Using The Back Feet On Shooting Accuracy In Unimed Women's Futsal Athletes In 2023 <p>The purpose of the research to be achieved in this study is to find out whether there is a significant effect of variations in kick training using the instep on the shooting accuracy of the Unimed women's futsal athletes in 2021. ), this study used an experimental method with the design "the one group pre-test -post-test design” This study uses a variety of techniques using the instep for shooting accuracy. shooting is a prefix before the kick, (1) The position of the player forms an angle of approximately 30 degrees beside the ball, (2) Placement of the foot support immediately after shooting on the side almost parallel to the ball, (3) When kicking, swing leg pulls back and so on forward release movement, (4) Ball contact is the inside of the back leg and can also use the instep, (5) Eye sight for a moment of impact sees the ball then following the direction of the target, (6) After releasing the kick there are still follow-through movements . The samples in this study were all included because the sample was only 17 people. The instrument in this study was a shooting accuracy test using the inner instep of the target on the futsal playing field. Data analysis used the t test (paired sample t test) at a significant level of 0.05. From this study it is known that there is an influence based on the research results obtained by the percentage increase in group A obtained by (35%, 85%). The percentage increase in the accuracy of shooting in group A increased (13.64%). Based on the results of the study, the percentage increase in group B was (9.26%). The percentage increase in group B increased (2.52%).</p> Safrianda S. Pane Rahma Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 146 151 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1014 Contribution Of Hurdle Jump And Hollow Sprint Training To 100 Meter Running Outcomes In PASI Athletes Medan 2022 <p>The purpose of this study was to find out how much the contribution made from the Hurdle jump exercise and the Hollow Sprint Exercise to the results of the 100-meters run for PASI Medan athletes in 2022. The method used in this research is the experimental method with stages, (1) pre-test ( 2) treatment (3) posttest. For the pre-test and post-test using research instruments, namely: standing broad jump test, 30 meters run, 100 meters run. This research was conducted in the Jasdam field, data collection began in July-September, this study used 8 samples. The results of the study are: (1) in the first hypothesis the contribution given from hurdle jump training to the results of the 100 meter run is 96.72%, then it is known that the value of Fcount (177.09) &gt; Ftable (5.99) with ά=0, 05, it can be concluded that there is a significant contribution from hurdle jump training to 100 meter running results for PASI Medan Athletes in 2022. (2) in the second hypothesis the contribution given from hollow sprint training to 100 meter running results is 91.66%, then it is known price Fcount (65.98) &gt; Ftable (5.99) with ά = 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant contribution from the hollow sprint exercise to the results of the 100 meter run in PASI Medan Athletes in 2022. (3) in the third hypothesis the contribution given jointly from the hurdle jump and hollow sprint exercises to the 100 meter running result of 99.06% then it is known that the price of Fcount (263.76) &gt; Ftable (5.99) with ά = 0.05, it can be concluded that there is contri jointly significant spark plugs from hurdle jump and hollow sprint exercises to the results of the 100-meter run in PASI Medan Athletes in 2022. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the hurdle jump exercises and hollow sprint exercises contribute to the 100-meter running results, therefore This form of exercise is highly recommended for athlete trainers to increase the explosive power and speed that athletes have.</p> Novia Fajri Saputra Rahma Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 152 158 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1013 The Influence Of Up Hill And Down Hill Training On Improving The 1500 Meter Running Outcomes Of Men's Student Athletes Assisted In PASI, Medan City In 2022 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to determine the effect of up hill and down hill training on increasing the results of the 1500 meters run for male athletes assisted by PASI Medan City in 2022. The research method used in this research is an experimental method with a sample of 8 people with a research design using one group pretest -post test design. First, the sample carried out an initial test (pre-test), namely running 1500 meters, then the sample was given treatment (treatment) of up hill training and down hill training that had been prepared, then after the sample carried out programmed training for 6 weeks, the sample carried out a final test (post test). The results of the analysis of the hypothesis stated that there was an influence on up hill and down hill training on increasing the results of the 1500 meters run for male athletes assisted by PASI Medan City in 2022. The results of the t-test were obtained with a value of T-count = 3.57321. Furthermore, the t-test value is compared with the T-table value with dk = n-1 (8-1 = 7) at the level α = 0.05. So that in the hypothesis testing criteria it is stated that at Tcount &gt; Ttable (3.57321 &gt; 2.3646) with a level of α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of up hill and down hill training on the results of the 1500 meters run for male athletes under the guidance of PASI Medan City in 2022.</p> Lely Angreini Dewi Endriani Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 159 166 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1012 Ability to Use Information and Communication Technology Media (TIK) in Physical Education Teachers at Pontianak City Elementary Schools <p>This study aims to determine the ability to use ICT media in Physical Education Teachers at Elementary Schools in East Pontianak District. This research was conducted at the Public Elementary School in the East Pontianak District. This research was conducted on March 10-24 2023. The research method used in this study was a survey method with a data collection tool in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire). The population in this study were Physical Education Teachers at Elementary Schools in East Pontianak District, totaling 43 people and the sample in this study were Physical Education Teachers at Public Elementary Schools in East Pontianak District, totaling 31 people. The data collection technique used is the Non Probability Sampling technique with Purposive Sampling. The results of this study indicate that the level of ability to use ICT media for Physical Education Teachers in Public Elementary Schools in the East Pontianak District is in the very high category with a percentage of 55% where most of these teachers are able to use ICT media to obtain information, store information, process information display information, and convey information in the process of communication during learning.</p> Yessy Elisabet Soinbala Wiwik Yunitaningrum Andika Triansyah Ahmad Atiq Muhammad Fachrurrozi Bafadal Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 167 179 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1087 The Influence Of Playing Training To Improve Football Shooting At Extracurricular SMA Negeri 1 Banyuke Hulu <p>This study aims to determine the effect of play practice to improve soccer shooting for extracurricular participants at SMA Negeri 1 Banyuke Hulu by providing a form of play practice. the type of research used in research is experimental research with a design form. The research subjects were 20 extracurricular participants. The instrument used to measure the accuracy of shooting soccer is shooting at the goalposts with the target point on the goalposts. The results obtained in the first test (pre-test) the number of points obtained during shooting was 327 with an average of 16.35 points. After being given treatment, it was continued with the second test (post-test). The number of points obtained was 372 with an average of 18.60 points with a percentage increase from pre-test to post-test of 13.76%. Based on the results of the above study, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of using the play practice method to improve extracurricular soccer shooting at SMA Negeri 1 Banyuke Hulu. Because in this study there was a good increase so that the training provided had an effect on increasing playing practice to improve extracurricular shooting at SMA Negeri 1 Banyuke Hulu with a percentage of 13.76%.</p> Maniujan Febri Pangalayo Wiwik Yunitaningrum Novi Yanti Victor G Simanjuntak Ahmad Atiq Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 180 190 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1011 The Influence of the Android Pass App Application on the Ability to Pass Football in SSB Kancil Mas Age 12 Years <p>Based on field observations of 12-year-old SSB Kancil Mas students during matches and training, many players lack passing skills. Many passes are inaccurate and affect the team's play. The purpose of this study is to prove whether there is a significant effect of the use of the pass app on the results of passing exercises in football. This research is a pre-experimental study with a quantitative approach in the form of a one group pretest-posttest design. Using the pre-experimental method the researcher can deliberately make observations to determine whether or not there is a relationship between the two variables and what is the level of influence of the Pass App application on football passing ability. The population used was SSB Kancil Mas students with a total sampling technique of 30 students. Football passing and stopping tests are used as instruments for collecting data on the field. The pretest data has an average of 11.70 and the posttest has an average of 13.52, using the Wilcoxon signed rank test obtained at .00 (W_count). The significance level of the error is 5%, so the critical value in the critical values table is 137 (W_critical). So it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of passing ability before and after using the pass app at the age of 12 years.</p> Rahmat Wahyu Ramadhan Dany Aulia M. Arief Setiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 191 198 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1091 The Effect of Slalom Dribble Training on Increasing the Ability to Dribbling Extracurricular Futsal SMAN 1 Tanjung Mutiara, Agam Regency <p>The problem in this study is the low dribbling ability of futsal players at SMAN 1 Tanjung Mutiara, causing players to be stiff and lack confidence when dribbling. This study aims to determine the effect of slalom dribble training on increasing dribbling skills in futsal extracurricular activities at SMAN 1 Tanjung Mutiara, Agam Regency. This type of research is quasi-experimental research, with the design of One Group Pretest Posttest. The population in this study were all futsal extracurricular activities at SMAN 1 Tanjung Mutiara, Agam Regency, totaling 30 people. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, in order to obtain a sample of 14 people. The test instrument used is the Short Dribbling Test. After the data is obtained, a normality test is carried out which aims to find out whether the sample group comes from a normal distribution or not. To test the normality, the Lilieforse test was carried out. To analyze the data used the T test.. Based on the results of the data analysis that has been carried out, it is obtained t-count 8.85 &gt; t-table 1.771. So it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of slalom dribble training on increasing the ability of futsal extracurricular dribbling at SMAN 1 Tanjung Mutiara, Agam Regency, meaning that slalom dribble training can improve dribbling abilities.</p> Fajriyal Syarif Ridho Bahtra Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 199 208 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1092 Application of the Team Game Tournament (TGT) Cooperative Learning Model to Improve the Ability of Football Passing Techniques <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the ability of basic passing techniques in soccer games through the application of the Team Game Tournament (TGT) cooperative learning model in Class VIII C at SMP Negeri 25 Pontianak. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the Team Game Tournament (TGT) method. Data collection techniques in this study used tests, observations, interviews, documentation and literature. The data instruments in this study were field notes, interview recordings and observation guidelines. The results of the assessment carried out in cycle I were obtained &lt;75 with a frequency of 15 (60%), values&gt; 75-85 with a frequency of 5 (20%), values&gt; 85-95 with a frequency of 2 (8%) and values&gt; 95-100 with a frequency of 3 (12%) while in cycle II that is obtained &lt;75 with a frequency of 2 (8%), a value of &gt; 75-85 with a frequency of 3 (12%), a value of &gt; 85-95 with a frequency of 5 (20%) and a value &gt;95-100 with a frequency of 15 (60%). The results of the football passing ability of class VIII C students of SMP Negeri 25 Pontianak from cycle I, namely 10 students with a percentage of 40% went to cycle II with a total of 23 students with a percentage of 92% who achieved the KKM. The conclusion in this study is the passing ability of football for class VIII C students of SMP Negeri 25 Pontianak in cycle I with a completeness percentage of 40% with a total of 10 students with grades above the KKM. The increase in the passing ability of football for class VIII C students of SMP Negeri 25 Pontianak occurred in cycle II with a completeness percentage of 92% with a total of 23 students with grades above the KKM. There is an increase in passing ability in soccer games through the cooperative learning model of the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) type in class VIII C students of SMP Negeri 25 Pontianak.</p> Sarul Gunawan Ahmad Atiq Muhammad Fachrurrozi Bafadal Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 209 217 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1093 Elementary School Sport and Health Physical Education Curriculum Design in Independent Curriculum Learning <p>The purpose of this writing is to describe the design of the sports and health physical education curriculum for elementary schools in learning the independent curriculum. Writing this article using a descriptive approach. Data analysis was carried out descriptively to describe the good PJOK curriculum design in its implementation in the independent curriculum in elementary school education units. The design of the sports and health physical education curriculum for elementary schools in independent curriculum learning is to provide independent learning to elementary school students to improve psychomotor aspects (movement skills), cognitive aspects (knowledge) and affective aspects (behavior).</p> Maria Stefania Wae Bernabas Wani Dek Ngurah Laba Laksana Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 218 226 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1094 The Effect of Mental Imagery Training on the Performing Arts of Pencak Silat <p>The purpose of this study in general is to determine the effect of mental imagery training on the performance of the single art of pencak silat. In this study using experimental research methods. This research is in the form of a Pre-Experimental Design using a one-group Pretest-Postest design. In this study, the population was 4 single arts athletes from the Pontianak Kujang Hitam College. This sampling is using purposive sampling with the following criteria; (1) Member of the black cleaver martial arts school. (2) Not having physical or mental illness. (3) Active in a participating in training. (4) Mastering a single art movement. In this study, the&nbsp; instrument used was a single art performance test. Data analysis used t test analysis (influence test). Based on the calculations obtained data (single art performance) with an average pretest result of 61 and posttest 81. It increased by 20 then a t-count test was performed to get t-count in imagery mental training was 15.0746 and t-table was 2.1919986 and the significance level 5% with count &gt; t table. So it can be said that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is an influence from mental imagery training on the performance of the solo art oft pencak silat.</p> Hendri Gunawan Mimi Haetami Muhammad Fachurrozi Bafadal Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 227 234 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1095 The Influence of the Filanesian bBM (learn-Learn-Play) Method on the Shooting Accuracy Skills of SSB Players Kancil Mas Karawang Age 12 Years <p>The results of observations on 12-year-old SSB Kancilmas Karawang students during training, competing and skill tests conducted by SSB, the average player is still lacking in terms of shooting accuracy. Players also have not been able to shoot accurately, many opportunities to create goals in front of the goal are lost due to poor kicking ability. The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of the Filanesia bBM method on shooting accuracy skills at SSB Kancil Mas Karawang class of 2010. This study used a pre-experiment method with a quantitative approach in the form of a one group pretest-posttest design. The use of experimental methods researchers deliberately observe and collect data to determine whether or not there is a relationship between two or more variables and how much is the level of causal relationship from the influence of the Filanesia bBM (learning-Learning-Main) method on shooting accuracy skills. The population of this study were SSB Kancilmas Karawang students with sampling techniques using total sampling totaling 34 students. The shooting skills test was used for test instruments in field data collection. The pretest data has an average of 8.9 and the post-test data has an average of 8.1, using the Wilcoxon signed rank test obtained by 267.5 (W_hitung). A significant level of error of 5%, the critical value in the critical values table is 182 (W_critical). So it can be concluded that there is no significant effect of shooting skills, before and after using the b-B-M filanesia method at the age of 12 years.</p> M. Abijar Algipari Deden Akbar Izzuddin Qorry Armen Gemael Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 3 2 235 241 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1096 Authentic Assessment Of Butterfly Style Swimming Learning Results On The Competence Of PJKR Study Program Students <p>Assessment is a series of activities to obtain, analyze, and interpret data about student learning processes and outcomes that are carried out systematically and continuously, so that they become meaningful information in decision making. The method used in this study was an experimental method using test and measurement techniques based on authentic assessment sheets of butterfly stroke learning outcomes. Research design with pre-test- treatment - post-test.</p> <p>The normality tests for the pre- and post-test swimming butterfly groups were 0.200 and 0.197. Thus, the data came from populations that were normally distributed, at a significance level of 0.05. Homogeneity test using the Based on Mean statistic obtained for two butterfly swimming group data (pre-test and post-test) obtained a significance of 0.092 exceeding 0.05, thus the research data above is homogeneous. There is an average difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test which is significant (Sig value (2-tailed) of 0.000 &lt;0.05) between the motion processes of butterfly stroke learning outcomes using authentic assessment. This shows that using authentic assessments can describe student competencies validly. This assessment is able to facilitate students to use a combination of competence, knowledge, skills and attitudes to apply what is needed in learning to swim butterfly.</p> Suprayitno Copyright (c) 2023 Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR) 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 3 2 242 250 10.55081/jphr.v3i2.1118