Authentic Assessment Of Butterfly Style Swimming Learning Results On The Competence Of PJKR Study Program Students

  • Suprayitno PJKR Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Medan
Keywords: Assessment, authentic, learning outcomes, butterfly stroke, competence, students, PJKR


Assessment is a series of activities to obtain, analyze, and interpret data about student learning processes and outcomes that are carried out systematically and continuously, so that they become meaningful information in decision making. The method used in this study was an experimental method using test and measurement techniques based on authentic assessment sheets of butterfly stroke learning outcomes. Research design with pre-test- treatment - post-test.

The normality tests for the pre- and post-test swimming butterfly groups were 0.200 and 0.197. Thus, the data came from populations that were normally distributed, at a significance level of 0.05. Homogeneity test using the Based on Mean statistic obtained for two butterfly swimming group data (pre-test and post-test) obtained a significance of 0.092 exceeding 0.05, thus the research data above is homogeneous. There is an average difference between the results of the pre-test and post-test which is significant (Sig value (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05) between the motion processes of butterfly stroke learning outcomes using authentic assessment. This shows that using authentic assessments can describe student competencies validly. This assessment is able to facilitate students to use a combination of competence, knowledge, skills and attitudes to apply what is needed in learning to swim butterfly.


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How to Cite
Suprayitno. (2023). Authentic Assessment Of Butterfly Style Swimming Learning Results On The Competence Of PJKR Study Program Students. Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR), 3(2), 242-250.