The Effect of Mental Imagery Training on the Performing Arts of Pencak Silat

  • Hendri Gunawan FKIP Untan Pontianak
  • Mimi Haetami FKIP Untan Pontianak
  • Muhammad Fachurrozi Bafadal FKIP Untan Pontianak
Keywords: Mental Imagery Exercise, Pencak Silat Single Art Performance


The purpose of this study in general is to determine the effect of mental imagery training on the performance of the single art of pencak silat. In this study using experimental research methods. This research is in the form of a Pre-Experimental Design using a one-group Pretest-Postest design. In this study, the population was 4 single arts athletes from the Pontianak Kujang Hitam College. This sampling is using purposive sampling with the following criteria; (1) Member of the black cleaver martial arts school. (2) Not having physical or mental illness. (3) Active in a participating in training. (4) Mastering a single art movement. In this study, the  instrument used was a single art performance test. Data analysis used t test analysis (influence test). Based on the calculations obtained data (single art performance) with an average pretest result of 61 and posttest 81. It increased by 20 then a t-count test was performed to get t-count in imagery mental training was 15.0746 and t-table was 2.1919986 and the significance level 5% with count > t table. So it can be said that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is an influence from mental imagery training on the performance of the solo art oft pencak silat.


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How to Cite
Hendri Gunawan, Mimi Haetami, & Muhammad Fachurrozi Bafadal. (2023). The Effect of Mental Imagery Training on the Performing Arts of Pencak Silat. Journal Physical Health Recreation (JPHR), 3(2), 227-234.