• Amri Fahrian STOK Bina Guna
  • Dewi Maya Sari STOK Bina Guna
Keywords: Keywords: Traditional Games, Cart Sodor, Development


The purpose of this study was to determine the model and results of the feasibility of traditional games in sports and health physical education for third grade students at Kasih Ibu Private Elementary School. This research will be carried out in the even semester of 2021 at Kasih Ibu Private Elementary School, Jl. Defense of Dusun 1 Patumbak by developing a traditional game model of gobak sodor in class III. The research model used in this research and development is using a Research and Development (R&D) type approach. Research and Development (R&D) is a series of processes to develop a new product or improve existing products. Based on the content aspect, it is known that the results of the content aspect assessment by material experts are as follows: 12 (100%) of these items are rated "very good", none (0%) are rated "not good. Based on the quality aspect, it can be seen that the results of the content aspect assessment by material experts are as follows: 9 (90%) of these items are rated "very good", 1 (10%) item is rated "good", none (0%) is rated " not good". Based on the language aspect, it can be seen that the results of the content aspect assessment by material experts are as follows: 5 (83%) of these items are rated "very good", 1 (17%) of these items are rated "good", none (0%) are rated "not good.

This research has gone through the validation stage by material experts, teacher feasibility tests, student feasibility tests and trials of the influence of games on children's development (dexterity, focus, cooperation) this development is included in the "very good" criteria

How to Cite
Amri Fahrian, & Dewi Maya Sari. (2023). PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL GOBAK SODOR SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR. Jurnal Mahasiswa Bina Guna, 1(1), 35-39.